Hura crepitans

Hura Crepitans plant


Euphorbiaceae | Cactus



The Euphorbiaceae or euphorbias is a spurge family of flowering plants.

Native To:

North & South America

Plant Status:


Plant Habit:

Tree, big leaves
Range: 90-130 feet

Plant Habitat:

Tropical regions

Cultural Uses

The oil extracted from dried seeds is used as a purgative. The plant secretes a milky juice that was used in poison darts. The leaves are also used to treat eczema. Non-medicinally, the empty seed pods were filled with sand in which to dip quill pens, to get rid of excess ink.

Interesting Fact

One name for the tree was ‘dynamite tree’ because the seed pods on the tree would explode and make a loud noise.

Learn more about Hura crepitans (Sandbox Tree)