Passiflora edulis

Passiflora Edulis plant


Passifloraceae | Culinary



Passifloraceae is a family of flowering plants, containing about 750 species classified in around 27 genera.

Native To:

Brazil, Indigenous, Exotic

Plant Status:


Plant Habit:

Vine climbs as it grows

Plant Habitat:

Full sun & shade

Cultural Uses

The leaves contain many alkaloids that are beneficial to the body. For example, the phytochemical “harman” can lower blood pressure. Also known as passion fruit, the flower can be made into a sedative, and is also used to treat asthma, insomnia, and various nervous disorders. The fruit is consumed as food.

Interesting Fact

The flower the liliko‘i produces will catch your eye due to its bright colors and interesting structure. The flower has five white petals at its base with a vivid purple center, and there are five yellow stamens that shoot out from the center.

Learn more about Passiflora edulis (Lilikoi)