Summer Financial Aid
Kekaulike Center
‘Ilima, Rm 102
Hours of Operation
Mon to Fri
8 am – 4 pm
Phone: (808) 734-9555
Fax: (808) 734-9896
Mon to Fri
9 am – 3 pm
FA Service Window – Diamond Head end of ‘Ilima 101
Admissions & Records Service Window – ‘Ewa end of ‘Ilima 102
Closed Weekends & State Holidays
Business Office - Cashiering
‘Ilima, Rm 106
Phone: (808) 734-9524
Fax: (808) 734-9579
(please attention emails to: Kapi‘olani CC Business Office - Cashiering)
School Code:001613
Priority Application Date: March 1
Financial aid for the summer term is limited to only federal aid: Federal Pell Grant and Federal Direct Loans. Due to limitations on the eligibility of these federal aid programs, not all students are eligible for financial assistance during the summer.
Generally, students who have applied/received financial aid during the Fall and/or Spring and who continue to meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress can be considered for assistance.
Federal Pell Grant
Note: Receiving Federal Pell Grant during any semester will count toward your 600% Pell Grant Lifetime Limit.
Available to qualified students who enroll at least half-time (6 or more credits) who may exceed their full-year scheduled award OR for students who enroll less than half-time (1-5 credits) and did not utilize their full-year scheduled Pell Grant eligibility during the Fall and Spring semester.
Example 1: If you received a Pell Grant for full-time enrollment both Fall and Spring you are ONLY ELIGIBLE for a Summer Pell if you enroll at least half-time (6 or more credits).
Example 2: You received a Pell Grant at less than full-time enrollment during the Fall and/or full-time or less-than-full-time enrollment in the Spring you may have Pell Grant eligibility remaining.
Federal Direct Loans
Students must enroll at least half-time (6 or more credits) for the summer term to be eligible for the Federal Direct Loan. You may enroll for 3 credits in summer I and 3 credits in summer II, 6 credits in summer I, or 6 credits in summer II. This loan has annual maximums based on the student’s grade level and whether the student is dependent (parental information required on the FAFSA) or independent (parental information not required on the FAFSA). In determining the maximum annual limit that you may borrow, Kapi‘olani Community College (Kapi'olani CC) considers a financial aid year to begin with Fall and end with Summer.
Important information regarding Summer 2024
- You must be registered by June 11, 2024.
- Adjustments of awards (decreases/increases) will be made through and finalized after June 11, 2024. Any classes (that apply to your Kapi‘olani CC degree) that are added or dropped on or BEFORE this date will impact your awards, even if aid was already disbursed/refunded to you.
- Summer awards will be based on expected costs for the period of enrollment, enrollment level, and remaining eligibility. Any changes to your registration will affect and delay your financial aid. Please inform the financial aid office of any changes to your registration.
- You MUST be enrolled in at least 1 course at Kapiʻolani CC for Summer 2024.
- Under certain conditions you may be able to receive financial aid for courses you are concurrently enrolled at other University of Hawaiʻi campuses. The conditions are:
- You MUST be enrolled in at least one course at Kapi‘olani CC
- The course(s) is applicable toward your degree program (refer to Course Program of Study)
- You must meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at the end of Spring 2024.
- Minimum Cumulative Kapi‘olani CC Financial Aid GPA of at least 2.0.
- Credit completion rate of at least 67%
- Financial Aid time frame of 150%
- Prior to disbursement, eligibility will be determined. If your award is based on enrollment in both summer sessions aid may not be disbursed until 2nd summer session starts.
- Example: If financial aid is based on 6 credits and you are enrolled 3 credits summer session 1 and 3 credits summer session 2 your aid may not be disbursed until you actually start attendance in the second session, provided you are still enrolled in 6 credits.
- Financial aid will be applied to your Kapi‘olani CC student account no earlier than:
Disbursement Dates
(6 cr enrollment)
(6 cr enrollment)
(3 cr SS1 + 3 cr SS2 enrollment)
For more information about Financial Aid, please contact the Kekaulike Center, Financial Aid Section. MyUH provides the UH community with personalized access to UH Information and Services. These include Academic Services (class schedules, registration, transcripts), My Courses (courses tools, class lists, grades), Calendar, and Email.