‘Aha Kalāualani
With profound concern for healing the past, and moving forward with mutual respect in order to support all Native Hawaiian programs throughout Kapi‘olani Community College, we the members of Kalāualani agree to progress in all areas of education by creating programs and sharing resources in ways that clearly maximize the benefits to Native Hawaiians at Kapi‘olani Community College and its communities.
‘Aha Kalāualani Meetings for Spring 2025
ʻAha Mole Meetings - Mānele 103
General Membership Meetings – Mānele 103
‘Aha Mole
‘Āina Based Related Course Designation Website & Application
The creation of an ‘Āina Based Learning designation was prompted by collaborative work with faculty cohorts who participated in Kalāhū seminars, which were designed as immersion-style professional development for faculty interested in integrating place-based community research into curriculum
Ka Wehena Kaiao Oli and Mele
Kāhihikaʻale Committee
Jennifer Bradley, Chair, jbradley@hawaii.edu,
(808) 734-9537
Keauhou Mitchell-Aldan
Michaelyn Nākoa
LaVache Scanlan
Joseph Yoshida
Kūkulu Kapiʻolani
Rosalie Fernandez, Chair, rosalief@hawaii.edu,
(808) 734-9718
David Apostol
Jennifer Bradley
Drew Kahuʻāina Broderick Aaron Hanai
Grant Itomitsu
Shannon Sakaue
Annie Keola Thomas
Native Hawaiian Plant Advisory Committee
Mike Ross, Chair,
(808) 734-9428
Colette Andrade-Fujii
Francisco Acoba
Emma Ho
Miku Lenentine
Jameson Ramelb
Grant Sato
Kohlby Soong
Cydnee Yamamoto
Wae Committee
Lisa Kanae, Chair, lkanae@hawaii.edu
(808) 734-9511
Kelli Goya
Grant Itomitsu
Kauʻi Keola
Jaclyn Lindo
Amy Shiroma
Annie Keola Thomas
Caroline Torres
Annual Reports
Insightful snapshots of progress and achievements, showcasing our year’s endeavors and future prospects.
Meeting Minutes
Comprehensive records capturing key discussions, decisions, and actions, providing a concise account of our meetings.
Foundational principles and rules governing our organization, ensuring clarity, consistency, and fairness.
Past Events
Preserving cherished memories and celebrating the success of our past events
Action Form
Kalāualani shall provide a formal, independent organization through which all native Hawaiian and native Hawaiian- serving employees of Kapi‘olani Community College participate in the governance of the campus as it relates to Native Hawaiian programs, activities, initiatives and issues in alignment with the Pūko‘a Council, Native Hawaiian council for the University of Hawai‘i System.