Financial Aid Checks & Disbursement
Kekaulike Center
‘Ilima, Rm 102
Hours of Operation
Mon to Fri
8 am – 4 pm
Phone: (808) 734-9555
Fax: (808) 734-9896
Mon to Fri
9 am – 3 pm
FA Service Window – Diamond Head end of ‘Ilima 101
Admissions & Records Service Window – ‘Ewa end of ‘Ilima 102
Closed Weekends & State Holidays
Business Office - Cashiering
‘Ilima, Rm 106
Phone: (808) 734-9524
Fax: (808) 734-9579
(please attention emails to: Kapi‘olani CC Business Office - Cashiering)
School Code:001613
Priority Application Date: March 1
Disbursement of Financial Aid & Picking Up Financial Aid Checks
Most financial aid awarded through the Kapiʻolani Community College Financial Aid Office will be electronically disbursed to your student account 10 days prior to the start of instruction after you register, or after you have been awarded (whichever date is later), provided that you are registered for the enrollment level your aid was awarded on. These funds will be used to pay your tuition and fee charges for the semester after you register. Any residual amount (in excess of your tuition and fees) will be mailed to you as a refund by the Central Bursar’s Office. If your award is less than your tuition and fees, you will be required to submit your payment to the Kapiʻolani CC Cashier’s Office or via MyUH Services.
You may also sign up for eRefund, where your refund can be directly deposited into your checking or savings account. Sign up for eRefund at MyUH Services then select “Sign up for eRefund” under Academic Services.
Adjustments of Awards & Status Date
Adjustments of awards (decreases/increases) will be made and finalized after the status date. The status date is defined as the Last Day to withdraw without a “W” from full-semester classes. If financial aid was awarded and disbursed based on a higher enrollment or award amount, adjustments to your aid will be made and you may be required to repay funds.
Example: if your financial aid was initially based on full-time (12 or more credits) enrollment and you subsequently drop a course to 3/4x (9-11 credits) enrollment your financial aid will be reduced and you may be required to repay funds.
External Scholarship Checks
Checks are mailed to Kekaulike Center for Admissions, Records, Graduation & Financial Aid (Kekaulike Center). You will be notified by email at your account when your check is available for pickup at Kekaulike Center.
Check Endorsement
If the check is made payable to both you and the college, take it to Kekaulike Center for endorsement.
Note: Checks from some organizations cannot be endorsed until the first day of instruction.