Student Congress
Student Congress is the governing body of the Associated Students of Kapiʻolani Community College (ASKCC). All Kapiʻolani Community College (Kapiʻolani CC) students are members of ASKCC upon payment of their student activity fees.
Student Congress is the official channel between students and the college administration in the areas of college governance, student rights, academic regulations, curriculum development, instruction, support services, co-curricular activities, and all fees assessed by the college to students, including tuition.
Student Congress develops and implements plans for programs and is sensitive to the needs and interests of the students, and participation within the college community.
There shall be one student representative from each registered student club, the Board of Student Publications (BOSP), and the Board of Student Activities (BOSA); and a minimum of five at-large members.
Kapiʻolani CC students who have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and 6 credit hours or more and are home-based at Kapiʻolani CC are eligible to run for an at-large seat on the ASKCC Student Congress annually in the spring semester for the next academic year.
The at-large candidates who are elected in the spring will elect the officers of Student Congress at its initial meeting in the fall semester when the full Student Congress body meets including representatives from registered Kapiʻolani CC student clubs.
Congress is allocated 25% of the student activity fee revenues and revenues from the campus vending machines.
Funds are used for operational expenses, leadership training activities and programs, and congress-approved projects.
Student Congress
Kap‘iolani Community College
‘Iliahi Building, Room 129
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816-4421
(808) 734-9580
Fax: (808) 734-9456