Native Hawaiian Tuition Waiver

Kapoʻoloku Native Hawaiian Tuition Waiver

Kapoʻoloku Native Hawaiian Tuition Waiver is open for the next Academic year 2024- 2025.

Awards will be applicable to Fall 2024, which starts in August 2024.

DEADLINE – May 31, 2024

student group photo

The KAPOʻOLOKU NATIVE HAWAIIAN STUDENT TUITION WAIVER is awarded to students who are attending Kapi‘olani Community College and are transitioning from one stage in life to another. Awarded students will receive one semester of tuition, up to twelve credits. This award can supplement the compensation of other grants and scholarships.


  • Home campus must be Kapi‘olani Community College (Kapiʻolani CC)
  • Preference given to continuing students Hawaiian Ancestry, as declared on the common application
  • Financial need, as determined by federal guidelines, by completion of the FAFSA
  • Preference given to full-time students (12 credits), while part-time students with a minimum 6 credits may be considered
  • Are in transition* (see below for a description of transition)
  • Have served the community

Student in Transition

The Kapo‘oloku Program acknowledges that students go through many changes throughout their educational journey. During these times, it may be difficult to keep track of what needs to be done. We feel that if you are having a challenging time and need a little boost, this award can help keep you on course towards graduation. This is a one-time award, provided as a tuition waiver for students who are eligible, and able to explain their need in transition. Examples of transitions that will be considered are:

  • Transitioning from Kapiʻolani CC to a 4-year college or work (be enrolled in last year or semester at Kapiʻolani CC)
  • Welcoming a new member into the family
  • Separating or divorcing from a spouse
  • Changing jobs or majors

Awardees will be notified by email Award determinations will be made by the Kapoʻoloku Program. Students will be notified of awards by email to their account. Awards will be disbursed through the Kapi‘olani Community College Financial Aid office.

Scholarship awardees will be notified by email

Award determinations will be made by the Kapoʻoloku Program. Students will be notified of awards by email to their account. Awards will be dispersed through the Kapi‘olani Community College Financial Aid office.