Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses


Selective Admissions

The Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses program is a select admissions program; pre/corequisite courses, examinations, test scores, and/or other required documentation are submitted and reviewed during designated application periods. Applicants are then selected and notified by the Nursing Department.


Admissions Procedures

  1. Apply and complete steps to become a Kapi‘olani CC student if you are currently not a student of the UH system. For assistance with getting started at the College, contact
  2. Meet the program counselors to learn more about all the nursing pathways offered. Visit the Nursing Information Sessions webpage to connect with the Nursing Counselors for advising support as needed.
  3. Complete program requirements and apply to the program. For more information download the following links:
    1. LPN-RN Self-Advising Form (pdf)
    2. NURS 212 Enrollment Request Form (pdf)
    3. LPN-RN Transition Admissions Application/Checklist Form (pdf)

Special Announcements

LPN – RN Program Admissions Update (04/15/2024)

Starting Fall 2025 application period (December 1, 2024-February 1, 2025), LPN to RN transition program will require 480 hours or more of work experience as a nurse aide/ clinical assistant/ and or LPN within the past 2-years (excluding home healthcare).  Please see nursing counselors for more information.

Program Overview

The Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses Program curriculum is designed to prepare students for the nursing profession. Graduates of the program are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN nursing examination (National Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse) to become a registered nurse. The Associate in Science degree in nursing transition for licensed practical nurses program at Kapi‘olani Community College located in Honolulu, Hawai‘i is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326, (404) 975-5000. The most recent accreditation decision by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate in Science degree in nursing program is continuing accreditation. New students are admitted each semester and are given both theoretical instruction and an opportunity for clinical application of nursing skills as they prepare for entry-level practice as registered nurses. After graduates have passed the nursing licensure examination, they will be prepared to fill beginning-level positions as Registered Nurses in hospitals, doctor’s offices, or other health-related institutions, and participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care for clients throughout the life cycle. Graduates are eligible for admission to the fourth year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs at UH Mānoa and UH Hilo.

Contact Information

Degree & Certificates

Associate In Science – Nursing (Transition For Licensed Practical Nurses) (70-71 credits)


Program Information

Special Announcements (ARCHIVED)

LPN-RN Program: UPDATE ( 2/27/2024)

Starting in Fall 2024 the LPN-RN Transition program will be held at both KCC & LCC sites to accommodate the growing nursing population.

ATI TEAS Exam Announcement: (updated 4/19/2022)

Effective May 31, 2022, the Kapiʻolani CC Nursing Department will NO longer allow the ATI TEAS to be proctored at home. After this date, all students must take the ATI TEAS exam at a testing center.

The nursing department will grandfather in all exams taken since March 20, 2020 when UH officially mandated the “Stay at Home” order. Effective June 1, 2022 the ATI TEAS exams must be taken in a testing center to be considered for the Kapiʻolani CC Nursing Programs.

Licensure & State Authorization

Once the student has completed the Associate in Science Degree in Nursing/Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses program and has successfully obtained certification in Hawai’i by the Hawaiʻi Board of Nursing, s/he will be eligible to obtain a state license, which will allow the licensee to practice nursing in the State of Hawaii. Kapiʻolani Community College (Kapiʻolani CC) may not be able to confirm whether a particular program meets the professional licensure requirements outside of the State of Hawaii. Kapiʻolani CC recommends the student contact the respective professional licensing board to determine the licensure requirements in the state in which the student lives.

Program Accreditation

The Associate in Science in Nursing program at Kapi‘olani Community College located in Honolulu, Hawai‘i is accredited by the Accreditation Commission in Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326; phone: (404) 975-5000.

The most recent accreditation decision made in 2021 by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Kapi‘olani CC Associate in Science Degree in Nursing program is Continuing Accreditation. The next ACEN accreditation review is scheduled for 2029.

Potential Career & Employers

Registered Nurses work in hospitals, clinics, long-term care nursing homes, home settings, schools, and community health settings.

To learn more about nursing and other health care careers, please check the “Hawai’i Career Explorer” website

For prospective employment as a registered nurse, please check the “Hawai‘i is Hiring” website

Program Learning Outcomes

Program Approval

The Kapiʻolani CC ADN Program is approved by the Hawai‘i State Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) (formerly known as the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission).

Hawai‘i Statewide Nursing Consortium (HSNC) Competencies

  1. A competent nurse’s professional actions are based on core nursing values, professional standards of practice, and the law.
    1. Core nursing values include social justice (from the American Nurses Association statement), caring, advocacy, respect for self and others, collegiality, and ethical behavior.
    2. Ethical dilemmas are embedded in clinical practice; an obligation of nurses is to notice, interpret, respond and reflect on these dilemmas using ethical principles and frameworks as a guideline.
    3. It is essential for nurses to participate in discussions of ethical issues in health care as they affect communities, society, and health professions.
    4. Professional nursing functions within legally defined standards of practice and state specific regulations.
  2. A competent nurse develops insight through reflective practice, self-analysis, and self care through the understanding that:
    1. Ongoing reflection, critical examination, and evaluation of one’s professional and personal life improves nursing practice.
    2. Reflection and self-analysis encourage self-awareness and self-care.
    3. Pursuing and advocating healthy behaviors enhance nurses’ ability to care for clients.
  3. A competent nurse engages in ongoing self-directed learning and provides care based on evidence supported by research with the understanding that:
    1. Knowledge and skills are dynamic and evolving; to maintain competency, one must continuously update his/her knowledge using reliable, current sources of information from the biological, social, medical, public health, and nursing sciences.
    2. The nurse uses legitimate sources of evidence for decision-making such as research evidence, standards of care, community perspectives and practical wisdom gained from experience.
    3. As best practices are continuously modified and new interventions are constant, the nurse incorporates changes into practice.
  4. A competent nurse demonstrates leadership in nursing and health care through the understanding that:
    1. An effective nurse is able to take a leadership role to meet client needs, improve the health care system and facilitate community problem solving.
    2. A competent nurse effectively uses management principles, strategies, and tools.
    3. An effective nurse works with the health care team including the delegation of responsibilities and supervision.
  5. A competent nurse collaborates as part of a health care team.
    1. The client is an essential member of the healthcare team.
    2. A collegial team is essential for success in serving clients.
    3. Effective team members must be able to give and receive constructive feedback.
    4. Colleagues create a positive environment for each other that values holistic client care.
  6. A competent nurse practices within, utilizes, and contributes to the broader health care system.
    1. All components of the health care system must be incorporated when providing interdisciplinary care.
    2. The effective nurse contributes to improvements of the health care system through involvement in policy, decision-making processes and political activities.
  7. A competent nurse practices client-centered care.
    1. Effective care is centered around a respectful relationship with the client that is based on empathy, caring, mutual trust, and advocacy.
    2. Nursing practice should reflect the attitudes, beliefs and values of clients.
    3. An understanding of the culture and history of the community is fundamental in the practice of nursing.
  8. A competent nurse communicates and uses communication technology effectively through the understanding that:
    1. Effective use of communication is an essential part of all interventions to establish caring and therapeutic relationships to educate and advocate for clients.
    2. When working with colleagues or clients, it is important to insure that accurate, timely and complete communication has occurred.
    3. Successful communication requires attention to elements of cultural influences, variations in the use of language, and a participatory approach.
    4. Information and communication technologies provide essential information delivery of effective nursing care.
  9. A competent nurse demonstrates clinical judgment and critical thinking in the delivery of care of clients while maintaining safety through:
    1. Analysis and integration of available data.
    2. Implementation of prioritized care based on evaluation of data.
    3. Evaluation and analysis of the nurses’ personal clinical performance.
    4. A competent nurse engages in risk reduction activities and recognizes, communicates and intervenes to promote client safety.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Associate in Nursing degree requirements, the student should be able to:

  1. Evaluate nursing care based on the legal and ethical framework of the state in which they practice and the American Nurses Association Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics.
  2. Describe and analyze episodes of clinical practice and self-care; and identify areas of strength and those requiring development.
  3. Implement evidence-based practice by locating and evaluating the best available evidence in making clinical decisions; and engage in on-going professional growth and self-directed learning in the practice of professional nursing.
  4. Employ leadership skills in implementing and/or delegating the delivery of safe nursing care to clients and client systems.
  5. Collaborate with the multidisciplinary team to advocate for clients, client systems, and groups in meeting their health care needs.
  6. Contribute to the improvement of the health care system through involvement in interdisciplinary activities and choose from a variety of tools in accessing, interpreting, and providing cost-effective nursing care.
  7. Develop therapeutic relationships based on mutuality, respect, cultural sensitivity, caring, and the beliefs and value systems with the client, client systems and community.
  8. Communicate professionally, clearly and therapeutically in all interactions.
  9. Demonstrate clinical judgment in the delivery of safe, cost-effective, quality care, using information and patient care technologies to diverse clients across a wide-range of settings.
  10. Utilize health promotion, disease prevention, and restorative nursing in assisting clients and client systems to maintain independence.


How can I obtain advising information about the Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses Program?
When can I apply to enter the program?

You can enter in the fall and spring. The fall semester application period is December 1 to February 1; while the spring semester application period is June 1 to September 1.

What degrees and certificates do you offer?

The associate in science (AS) degree.

Do I need to complete the prerequisite courses within a specific timeframe?

​All prerequisite courses must be completed by the application period deadline: February 1 (for fall entrance) and September 1 (for spring entrance). There are no time limits for most of the prerequisite and co-requisite courses for the LPN-RN Transition Program, except for the NURS 212 – Pathophysiology course which has a five-year time limit.

Effective only for the Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses Program, the NURS 212 (Pathophysiology) course serves as a prerequisite course for the Transition Program. Interested students must complete all of the other prerequisite courses for the Transition Program and possess a current practice nursing license in the state of Hawai‘i in order to enroll in the NURS 212 course. Interested students should complete the “NURS 212 Enrollment Request Form”. Applicants for the Kapi‘olani CC Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses Program must continue to fulfill all other admissions requirements and will be considered for admissions on a “best qualified” basis. As the NURS 212 course is offered as a prerequisite course for the Transition Program, the Nursing Department now offers the Transition Program within three semesters.

Do I need to maintain a certain grade and achieve a certain grade point ratio for the prerequisite and co-requisite (support) courses?

All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. A 2.5 cumulative grade point ratio (GPR) is required for the pre-requisite and co-requisite courses.

Do I need to have a Hawai‘i state practical nursing license in order to be considered for the Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses Program?

Yes, a Hawai‘i state practical nursing license is required in order to be considered for the Transition for Licensed Practical Nurses Program.