Business, Legal, and Technology
The Business, Legal and Technology Program offers 2-year degrees in accounting, information technology, marketing and paralegal.
Counseling & Advising
Counseling is available for New, Returning, Transfer, or Program majors. We encourage you to visit the program of study website. Furthermore, meet with a counselor who can help you understand what your career interest are, decide on appropriate next steps in the journey, and connect you to available campus and community resources.
Counselor: Florentino Abara Jr.
Location: Kopiko Learning Community, Kopiko 101, (808) 734-9107
Dept Phone: (808) 734-9140
Business, Legal & Technology Programs
All of these degrees transfer and apply to 4-year degrees at UH West Oahu. Our counselors help students select classes, make decisions about their education and complete their goals. We also help students to plan and prepare for jobs and life-long learning.
Information Technology:
- Advanced Professional Certificate – Information Technology (APC-IT)
- Associate in Science – Information Technology (AS-IT)
- Certificate of Achievement – Information Security & Assurance (CA-IT-ISA)
- Certificate of Achievement – Information Technology (CA-IT)
- Certificate of Competence – Database Administration (CO-DBA)
- Certificate of Competence – Help Desk Services (CO-HDS)
- Certificate of Competence – Information Security & Assurance (CO-IT-ISA)
- Certificate of Competence – Programming (CO-PROG)
You might also be interested in:
- Career Kokua — Access information on Hawai‘i job market, occupations, education, and training programs
- Hawai‘i Workforce Infonet — Access labor market statistics and trends in the Hawai‘i economy
- Employment Prep Center — Connects Kapi‘olani Community College students with job shadowing, volunteer, and internship opportunities
- Occupational Outlook Handbook — Access classes offered at UH campuses in various semesters
- O*Net — Access career information on work tasks, competencies, interests, values, wages and employment trends for occupations
Online Tools for Student Success
- Kapi‘olani Community College Catalog – Access general information on programs and services, course descriptions, and prerequisites/co-requisites
- STAR – Track degree progress, academic planning, what if journeys, registration, financial aid, and transcripts
- UH Class Availability Lists – Access classes offered at UH campuses in various semesters
- UH System Academic Calendar (pdf) – Access UH System and campus-specific academic calendars
- UH System Tuition Schedule – Access resident and non-resident tuition for UH campuses
- Office of Student Activities – Access to student organizations, activities, and related resource support
Campus and Community Resources:
- Financial Aid Office – Access information on financial aid including scholarships, grants, and student loans support
- Kulia Ma Kapi‘olani Native Hawaiian Career and Technical Education – Access the native Hawaiian Career and Technical Education Program (NHCTEP) is a federal grant administered as a consortia through Alu Like, Inc. and has been on the KCC campus for 20 years. Under the current grant, the project goal is to provide services to 75 Native Hawaiian students in career & technical education programs to succeed in attaining certificates and degree to transition to the workforce or additional training as desired.
- Targeted Population and International Student Counselors — Access to student support counselors for First Year Experience (FYE), Transfer Year Experience (TYE), Deaf Studies/Deaf Education (CORE) and Deaf Students, Disability Support Services Office, Honda International Center, Kuilei Outreach Program, Running & Jump Start, &Early Admit, Mental Health and Wellness, Military & Veterans Program, Kapo‘oloku Program for Native Hawaiian Student Success, Kulia ma Kapi‘olani – Native Hawaiian Career & Technical Educational Project, Student Parents Program, and TRIO Student Support Services
ACBSP Accreditation

The Business, Legal and Technology Education Department was awarded accreditation of its Accounting and Information Technology programs by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) on April 16, 2015. ACBSP offers accreditation to business programs that demonstrate excellence in teaching. Below is information regarding the number of awards conferred in these programs.