Outcomes & Assessment

Program Learning Outcomes

At Kapi‘olani Community College (Kapi‘olani CC), instructional programs leading to a degree or certificate have program outcomes defined. These outcomes explicitly state the skills, knowledge, and abilities that a student should have upon successfully completing the program. To ensure that our students are achieving these program outcomes, faculty conduct assessments. Kapi‘olani CC faculty are actively assessing their programs in order to examine and improve teaching and learning processes. Our programs are assessed at least once in a five-year period, and courses are assessed at least once before the program review.

All programs at Kapi‘olani CC have designated Program Learning Outcomes.

To access a program’s learning outcomes, go to the Annual Report of Program Data (ARPD) or Kapi‘olani Community College’s catalog. Select the most current academic year catalog, the program learning outcomes will be under Degree and Certificate Programs.