Institutional Effectiveness Measures

Institutional Effectiveness Measures (IEM) are ten core effectiveness measures to support the operations of institutional goals and objectives as defined in the Kapi‘olani Community College Strategic Plan. These further support the five performance measures set forth by the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges (UHCC), aligning the college’s planning efforts with those of the UHCC system.

Learning Model Diagram

Student Success Measures

Our four IEM that focus on student achievement include:

  1. Degrees and Certificates
  2. Transfers
  3. Re-enrollment
  4. Course Success

Here are detailed tables tracking the data of these four measures. Demographics include all students, as well as categorized data for Filipino, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Pell recipient populations.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement

The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) asks students about their college experience. Examples of questions include:

  • How a student spends one’s time?
  • What students feel they have gained from their classes?
  • How students assess their relationships and interactions with faculty, counselors, and peers?
  • What kinds of work students are challenged to do?
  • How the college supports an individual student’s learning?

The College uses five CCSSE benchmarks as IEM:

  • Active and collaborative learning
  • Academic challenge
  • Student effort
  • Faculty-student interaction
  • Support for learners

Learning Outcomes

To learn more about assessment at Kapi‘olani Community College, visit Outcomes & Assessment.


Room: Ohia 101 and 102
Phone: (808) 734-9767
Fax: (808) 734-9443

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